EXCITING THINGS are happening over on BookTube, readers–yes!

BookTubers participate in something called readathons, where we read a whole bunch of a certain type of book during a certain period of time in order to dive into the topic with both hands…and I’m starting my own!

Books Written 1901-1945
Anywhere in the world
Read in March
Buddy Reads Encouraged!

If you want to participate, write your Modern Read in the comments and we’ll see if we can make some matches!

ALSO I’ve got a BINGO board coming! 16 squares means 10 ways to win! (check my math) It will be posted on all my platforms this weekend.

And by WIN, I mean feel the triumphal wind of victory across your face…but ALSO, I’ll pick a random BINGO winner to receive a book package from Persephone Books, the publisher that inspired this whole idea!

Look for a special guest historian, an author who writes fiction in this period, and maybe one other special guest on my channel…?

We ? stan ? Persephone Books! (not paid for promotion): https://persephonebooks.co.uk/

So come on, readers, check your shelves: any old volumes there you’ve been meaning to read? Russian classics? French translations? Check the dates to see if they qualify as part of the Modern March movement! ?

More info to come, check out my channel for the latest!