Running the Editing Gauntlet

As those of you who read the last newsletter would know, I promised a couple blog posts on the New Things I’ve been doing this year (if you’d like to get the newsletter, sign up here!). Today I’ll touch on one of the subjects that has given me...

Top 10 Books that have Shaped my Life

A friend posted one of those Facebook posts where you answer questions, then tag others to answer the same questions. It instructed me to “name 10 books/series that have remained with me/influenced me throughout my life.” Well, Readers, I thought you might...

What’s an IdeaBoard?

Maybe you think you know what an IdeaBoard is. But I’m here to needle you by saying, maybe you don’t know all it CAN be. For example, perhaps you used context clues and your own good sense to surmise that an IdeaBoard is a board on which an author places...