cover of A Wrinkle in Time

A friend posted one of those Facebook posts where you answer questions, then tag others to answer the same questions. It instructed me to “name 10 books/series that have remained with me/influenced me throughout my life.”

Well, Readers, I thought you might enjoy that list too, so here it is, in approximate chronological order of reading:

cover of Margaret and I

    • Without Reservations: The Travels of an Independent Woman, Alice Steinbach
    • Good In Bed, Jennifer Weiner
    • Persuasion, Jane Austen

I feel like these are the stories I go back to the most, the images with the most resonance, the imaginative elements that I find myself wishing were real…

Making these recommendations work for you:

If you like classics, try Bronte and Austen

If you like fantasy, search Tolkien, Rawn, L’Engle, and Askounis

If you like psychological thriller-mysteries, look up Wilhelm or Weiner (specifically the two here, their other stuff pushes into sci-fi and chick-lit, respectively)

If you like women discovering more of life than they knew before, pick up Steinbach or Persuasion.

And if you love historical fiction, try Marshall or Whyte (So. Good.)


 Do any of these ring a bell for you?

What’s the first book that popped into your head when you read the title of this post?


Images via When Every Penny Counts and Science Fiction Ruminations