Bookish Events in Portland this Weekend!

Greetings, somnambulent turkey devourers! Time to wake up! We’ve got two events this weekend for when you turn the calendar to December (YIKES!): Sat, Dec. 2 Book Swap Another Read Through 12-2 PM (you know the drill) Sun, Dec. 3 Holiday Cheer Oregon Historical...

Why Writers Write…and All the Rest

(We have two events coming up, at OHS in Portland, and Vintage Books in Vancouver, WA! See details below) The book is released! And my spirit feels like it has been released as well. As I drove home after the launch party for The Grasping Root, I felt valued. All...

What to do when you lose the magic

Warning: No easy solutions appended. I’ve been feeling the loss of magic in several areas where I usually excel at conjuring: walking, cooking, writing. I usually love getting lost in a character’s journey. I feel satisfied with myself when I walk a few...

The Eclipse, The Tower, and Ploughing On

Today is the day of the Solar Eclipse, the only total eclipse I know of until my generation is expected to die. The week preceding the eclipse has been a challenging one personally, with health issues in my family and the end of a potential relationship before it got...