Wishlist Places around the UK

I thought today would be a good day for a roundup of interesting places I’ve come across in my wanderings online, that I’d like to visit in my meanderings on-land! Mother’s Shipton’s Cave & Petrifying Well This is a tourist site, yes, but...

Editing: Take Two

I just published my second novel. Ta-da! In many ways, it was more of a learning process than publishing the first one. Here, two of my biggest editing lessons: 1) Do Not Let Expectations Run the Show! This was a lesson I seem to learn over and over again, this time...

Prep and Circumstance

Along with Girl Scout cookies and Boy Scout popcorn, one of the more recent fundraising gigs that schools have picked up is magazine subscriptions. This year, I bought one for pure fascination: Town & Country. I received the first issue today. From its website, I...