Decluttering for Writers

Being a writer has nothing to do with one’s personal style, and there have been plenty of hoarder-style, as well as many minimalist, writers over the centuries. Recently I saw this meme on Face Book, & laughed: It made me think about decluttering, always a...

Beware the Ides, & Doldrums, of NaNoWriMo

We’re in the third week, chickadees, and if you are participating in NaNoWriMo along with me, you may be tearing your hair out in desperation, or calmly sipping tea at 43,000 words. Tell us on the community page! I know there are a million and one excuses to...

5 Ways to Celebrate the Authors in your life

National Author Day Eve: 5 Ways to Celebrate the Authors in your Life Buy an author’s work: BUY, meaning don’t steal, beg, or borrow, and WORK, meaning books, magazine articles, poetry, or journals that have published essays. Promote an author’s events: attend a...

Enough about Balance–Let’s Talk Soup

I reflect a lot on how my life is going, mainly so I can be sure to give course corrections when needed. And often in the media today, I see a person’s journey framed as a balancing act. I have even written about it in such terms myself. But today I wanted to...